Copyright Guide for the Skeptical Creator


The skeptic's guide for those reluctant to use a copyright deposit.

1) Intellectual property is an abstract concept for consumers, how can a legal certificate attest to the links that bind me to my creation?

It is technically impossible to demonstrate an idea comes to one’s mind rather than that of another. No trace material can not connect my mind to what it produces. The proof of my relation ship with my creation should be corporated in the material world. In time and space. Here is what the legal time-stamped certificate demonstrates. For intellectual property, to prove one’s association with a creation, we must accept in time the traces of this relationship by filing procedure. This deposit is credible insofar as it is attested by a lawyer. Proof of authorship is evidence of the prior art of creation. The priority must be served by a system of dating (timestamp) which undoubtedly attests to the date of deposit by providing your copyright is your legal connection to your creation. In summary, this work is my intellectual property and I can really prove it because I have the proof first.

2) What real rights does the evidence of my authorship on my work gives me?

Copyright used the Copyright irrefutably prove the rights of an author, simply because of the existence of creation, the work of his hands. When your mind sees a creation, the expression in the reality of this conception: its existence in itself gives you rights. That, if and only if proof of copyright is made. That is, if your work is filed. This deposit gives you your rights to authors and confirms the priority of your creation. It is the exclusive right of exploitation of the work.

3) What would a certificate serve me if I already have rights at creation?

A certificate is a legal proof in court. Evidence that is your only way to enforce your copyright, ie rights of authors. But integrating the legal certificate issued by our copyright public notary for each deposit, is also a deterrent force against any copiers. If you are forced to take legal action on the advice of one of our lawyers, the certificate is the evidence necessary and sufficient for you.

4) How does a local public notary can guarantee a quasi-international security?

The Berne Convention states that your copyright is provided on the extent of the 171 signatory countries it lists. In this, your certificate of a prevailing legal inalienable value in each of its countries, in the same manner and without interruption. This power emanates from the certification granted to the legal filing by our public notary. Our public notary is located in Lyon in France and proceed to certification of all the documents transmitted. The legitimity of a public notary is valid on all countries of the Bern Convention available here.

5) Can we falsify the date of a timestamp to prove its priority?

It is technically impossible to interfere in any manner whatsoever to the timestamp system. This is perfectly incorruptible. The anticipation of a deposit is not manipulated, as it grants copyright its value.

6) Why Stamp documents while you can send to one’s self by the Post Office?

The postmark is not totally admissible evidence in court because the stamp (which is undeniable) does not assume the integrity of the contents of the envelope. This shipment does not believe so irréfutable in court, since the envelope is separate, unless one speaks of mail itself, which is an excellent tool for proof. It is legal proof required a line established by a judicial officer such as a public notary or a notary. This type of transmission does not constitute a deposit, it does not prove the priority of your creation and does not guarantee your copyright.

7) What if I put a file that has already been filed earlier by someone else, what would happen?

Intellectual property, the only way to prove his paternity of a work is to prove that he was created it first. I received my first copyright, and I can prove it through the system that guarantees its priority. The timestamp and certification Legal Copyright Be you provide evidence that this is called proof of prior art. Where the same work has been submitted to two different moments in time, it is clear that the former testifies to the authenticity of the author. And the other would be a copy. It is in this case of an original creation, not a mere idea of creation.

8) What is a system time stamp and how it expresses the priority of my work?

The timestamp is marking time generated from a synchronization on atomic clocks and GPS. The system timestamp is the most reliable guarantor of the prior filing. This means that the moment of submission of your creation is authenticated by a fingerprint forgery in time, irrefutable and unalterable. Through this unique way, your copyright guarantees its value by its priority.

9) How can I be 100% sure that my work will reach you as I have sent and they will not suffer any alteration in time and space?

Each of your deposits is marked in time through a system time stamp which attests to the priority of your creation. It is a mark that draws your copyright. This impression is not enough if not to preserve the integrity of your document alone on the vast field of communication in the Internet. To address this danger, there is a way to create an identification file and its author, who combines fingerprint (function of digital sealed) and electronic signature (authentication of the signatory). More than the digital equivalent of a handwritten signature, electronic signature seals your document, ensuring that he will suffer no alteration in any internet transaction. But especially this fingerprint is a virtual infallible shield designed to protect the content and integrity of your files during the filing process and for life.

10) How does this work from my screen?

You want to execute the filing of a creation, to preserve your copyright through a legal proof of his prior testimony. (Copyright registration, click here to Submit a creation + -)

A: copyright.n istration, you want to send us your work faster in order to certify your priority. Ie have it signed by a public notary your act of creation and filing COPYRIGHT at a specific time.

B: Once logged into your count, you put your work in the "Submit Now"
The multitude of file formats supported by the site does impose absolutely no restrictions. Only the size is limited to loading. Support for this is available here

C: One click is enough to drop your entire file.
- This single click, in less than two seconds to execute your deposit:
- The time stamp on your document * For a prior certified *
- Certification by public notary * A * copyright forgery
- The immediate sending double and a copy of the certificate * To secure a deposit *

11) I work for the Defense, I wish to submit an application highly encrypted, is it possible?

It is quite possible. Any deposit made by copyright subject to the highest security and confidentiality. In any event, our mission to save a file, nothing prevents you to encrypt your file before it is filed (128 bits, 256 bits or more). This will increase the privacy and confidentiality of your copyright deposit. Without changing the force, validity, or use. Of course, one will carefully keep the keys to decoding order, when requesting evidence of prior art, to find protected content.

12) I just made the prototype machine for industrial use in the textile-based and bamboo leaves, is a deposit sufficient to protect my discovery?

Your creation is an invention. It may well be filed and enjoy the protection inherent in each deposit Copyright Be. However, in the case of an invention, it is necessary to give your creation a patent, because the copyright is only necessary but may not suffice. A patent is an industrial property, in addition to the title of intellectual property obtained through the filing in order to secure an exclusive right of exploitation. A patent, however, forced public disclosure of your invention.

13) I have on my cell phone recorded video of a murder which I was the only witness, as a good citizen, I want to file as quickly as possible to ensure security and integrity to this testimony. .. Is this a problem for copyrightweb.comf my deposit is nothing less than the video of a murder?

copyrightweb.commposes absolutely no restrictions on the content of your deposits. Your copyright is also a proof of authenticity temporal and material, but to preserve valuable documents that need to archive in extreme security. On the other hand, the filing and recording of your documents on your copyright holders are kept secret and stored in encrypted files. No one can intercept during the filing and no one can read once deposited. This secrecy and confidentiality can not we have a say, to propose to deposit a wide range of creations. Creativity or proof of Copyright in everything that can be created or stored, in order to assert his right (like the To Serve and to assert that law) in case of need of proof, proof of grandfathering, proof of copyright, proof of conservation at the end of probation.