Copyright : File a trademark


File a trademark

Trademark protection provides a business with a title of industrial ownership. By registering and depositing a trademark, a business can use its distinctive logo or unique set of words to mark any existing or future products or services as their own. Visually, the R surrounded by a circle ® reminds others that the mark has been registered and deposited and that only that business can use it in relation to one or more classes of goods or services.

Registration is unified for the three Benelux countries: Belgium, Luxembourg and Netherlands. In France, for example, the filing with the INPI is that for France, unless you request an extension in filing for trademark.

The filing of a trademark allows the business to use its mark 10 years without any further formality, and may be renewed indefinitely.

Advice regarding the coexistence of marks, the revocation of a mark, strengthening the filing of the trademark by filing the name (or names) of field around its mark will be published here under the general supervision of lawyers and advice in industrial or intellectual property, provide only the power to guide your choice. You provide the food for thought on a branding strategy for your company, your products or services.

Filing of Trademark and Copyright

The creators of a brand on behalf of third parties only use a copyright filing to protect lists of brands, which they offer to their customers for their selection. The end customer should then file for a trademark with the appropriate offices for their country.